Plant Design Management System (PDMS) Class

PDMS adalah singkatan dari Plant Design Management System yang merupakan sebuah program untuk membuat modeling 3D struktur pengeboran minyak lepas pantai.

PDMS sangat penting peranannya karena ia mampu menunjukan model dari konsep 3D saat proses desain berlangsung. Model inilah nantinya yang akan digunakan oleh banyak pihak, baik internal si konseptor (perusahan EPC), Client selaku pemilik project maupun vendor yang nantinya memberikan atau melengkapi penbuatan dari pabrik seperti vessel, pompa atau HVAC.

PDMS merupakan software yang sangat diminati karena ia memberikan masukan yang akurat pada saat koordinasi desain beralangsung. Koordinasi tersebut adalah koordinasi antar disiplin dalam project oil and gas yang nantinya akan meminimalisir kesalahan dalam desain. Disamping itu PDMS dari Piping mampu menghasilkan piping isometric drawing secara otomatis dengan akurasi tinggi. Sehingga tidak perlu lagi membuat isometric drawing secara manual.

Saat proyek berlangsung, PDMS designer dari disiplin Struktur, Piping, Mechanical & Electrical secara bersama-sama membuat model sesuai disiplin ilmunya dibawah koodinasi seorang Administrator.

Harga (Hubungi Kami)
Durasi 80 Jam (1 jam = 45 Menit)
Harga Termasuk Sertifikat, Course note, Handbook
Fasilitas Ruang Kelas, Alat Test, and alat-alat inspeksi lainnya
Persyaratan Minimal lulusan Sekolah Menengah Atas dan Pengalaman 6 Bulan Sebagai Drafter

PDMS stands for Plant Design Management System which is a program to create 3D modeling of offshore oil drilling structures.

PDMS is very important because it is able to show the model of the 3D concept during the design process. This model will later be used by many parties, both the internal drafter (EPC company), the client as the owner of the project and the vendor who will provide or complete the manufacture from the factory such as vessels, pumps or HVAC.

PDMS is software that is in great demand because it provides accurate input during design coordination. This coordination is inter-disciplinary coordination in oil and gas projects which will minimize errors in design. In addition, PDMS from Piping is capable of producing isometric piping drawings automatically with high accuracy. So there is no need to make isometric drawings manually.

During the project, PDMS designers from the Structural, Piping, Mechanical & Electrical disciplines jointly create models according to their disciplines under the coordination of an Administrator.

Price Contact Us
Duration 80 Hours (1 Hour = 45 Minute)
Price Include Certificate, Course note, Handbook
Facility Class Room, Test Kit, and other inspection Kit
Requirement Minimum high school graduate or minimum 6 Month as a Drafter